New York mesothelioma treatment centers offer traditional ways of healing as well as non traditional methods. The most common traditional ways of treating mesothelioma used in New York are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Not all mesothelioma cases have surgery as an option for treatment. The doctor will have to consider a few things before they decide surgery is suitable. If the tumors are very extensive, surgery may not work and it might even do more harm than good. If you qualify for surgery, the doctor will explain to you the various kinds of surgeries depending on the location of the cancer. The treatment is usually undertaken together with chemotherapy and radiation. This is referred to as 'multimodal' treatment and it is used for very severe cases.
Chemotherapy is the use of combination drugs to get rid of the cancerous cells. It is considered a very weakening therapy because of the side effects. You are also bound to loose hair while undergoing this treatment. Many drugs continue to be experimented on and sometimes, they are considered for chemotherapy. The use of high energy x ray is referred to as radiation and, what it does is to shrink the tumors and the radiation has some side effects which go away in a short while. The non traditional methods include photodynamic therapy. This therapy uses light and it is still in the experimental stage where the cancer cells are specifically destroyed by means of a fiber optic cable. New York mesothelioma treatment centers have this treatment but, only those who wish to be part of the experiment can participate.
Another non traditional way of treating mesothelioma is gene therapy which is also under clinical tests. This involves altering the gene of the cancer cells by means of injecting a 'suicide gene'. The cancer cells are targeted on their own unlike in chemotherapy. The New York mesothelioma treatment centers will give you more information on this topic. The university of Pennsylvania is researching on gene therapy. Immunotherapy is another treatment of mesothelioma that is also in the pipeline it is said to be very promising and it works by enabling the immune system to fight the cancer cells. There is no doubt that the future looks bright and in the cure for mesothelioma might just be around the corner. Meanwhile you can get the treatment available to manage the disease.
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Malignant Mesothelioma Treatment (PDQ®): Treatment - Health Professional Information [NCI] - Changes to This Summary (08 / 15 / 2014)
The PDQ cancer information summaries are reviewed regularly and updated as new information becomes available. This section describes the latest changes made to this summary as of the date above.
General Information About Malignant MesotheliomaTreatment
Added level of evidence 3iiiA.
Added Prognostic Scoring Systems as a new subsection.
Added text to state that multimodality therapy incorporating radical surgery with or without chemotherapy, administered with or without radiation, may be considered for patients with limited disease and has been associated with a relatively long survival in observational series (cited Flores et al. as reference 6 and level of evidence 3iiiA). Also added level of evidence 3iiiD to list of factors associated with improved long-term survival.
Cellular Classification of Malignant Mesothelioma
Revised text to state that histologically, these tumors are composed of spindle cells or epithelial elements or both; also added that desmoplastic mesothelioma, consisting of bland tumor cells between dense bands of stroma, is a subtype of sarcomatoid mesothelioma. Added that the epithelioid form is occasionally confused with lungadenocarcinoma or metastatic carcinomas; epithelioid tumors account for approximately 60% of mesothelioma diagnoses (cited Travis et al. as reference 1).
Revised text to state that examination of the gross tumor at surgery and use of special stains or electron microscopy can often help to determine diagnosis; pancytokeratin stains are positive in nearly all mesotheliomas. Also added that particularly useful immunohistochemical stains for the differential diagnosis of epithelioid mesothelioma include cytokeratin 5 and 6, calretinin, WT-1 and D2-40. Added that calretinin and D2-40 positivity in combination with pancytokeratin positivity is most useful to distinguish sarcomatoid mesothelioma from sarcoma and other histologies (cited Travis et al. as reference 1). Also revised text to state that histologic appearance seems to be of prognostic value, and most clinical studies show that patients with epithelial mesotheliomas have a better prognosis than those with sarcomatoid or biphasic mesotheliomas.
Stage Information for Malignant Mesothelioma
Revised text to state that the American Joint Committee on Cancer(AJCC) and International Union Against Cancer (UICC) have designated staging by TNM classification to define malignant mesothelioma.
Finding a Mesothelioma Cancer Treatment Center - Help For Mesothelioma Patients
Mesothelioma treatment centers provide the best treatment for mesothelioma they possibly can. First, mesothelioma is a deadly cancer which is caused by asbestos. The mesothelioma affects the protective covering of the lungs, abdomen, and heart. This vital covering is referred to as the mesothelium. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the abdomen while pleural mesothelioma affects the lungs. The leading cancer in terms of fatalities is pleural mesothelioma. This is because the asbestos that cause the cancer are mostly airborne. Asbestos is a mineral that occurs naturally and it is mined to be used to produce many products. It has very special properties which make it very suitable for this. Apart from being resistant to heat, it is also fire proof.
New York mesothelioma treatment centers offer traditional ways of healing as well as non traditional methods. The most common traditional ways of treating mesothelioma used in New York are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Not all mesothelioma cases have surgery as an option for treatment. The doctor will have to consider a few things before they decide surgery is suitable. If the tumors are very extensive, surgery may not work and it might even do more harm than good. If you qualify for surgery, the doctor will explain to you the various kinds of surgeries depending on the location of the cancer. The treatment is usually undertaken together with chemotherapy and radiation. This is referred to as 'multimodal' treatment and it is used for very severe cases.
Chemotherapy is the use of combination drugs to get rid of the cancerous cells. It is considered a very weakening therapy because of the side effects. You are also bound to loose hair while undergoing this treatment. Many drugs continue to be experimented on and sometimes, they are considered for chemotherapy. The use of high energy x ray is referred to as radiation and, what it does is to shrink the tumors and the radiation has some side effects which go away in a short while. The non traditional methods include photodynamic therapy. This therapy uses light and it is still in the experimental stage where the cancer cells are specifically destroyed by means of a fiber optic cable. New York mesothelioma treatment centers have this treatment but, only those who wish to be part of the experiment can participate.
Another non traditional way of treating mesothelioma is gene therapy which is also under clinical tests. This involves altering the gene of the cancer cells by means of injecting a 'suicide gene'. The cancer cells are targeted on their own unlike in chemotherapy. The New York mesothelioma treatment centers will give you more information on this topic. The university of Pennsylvania is researching on gene therapy. Immunotherapy is another treatment of mesothelioma that is also in the pipeline it is said to be very promising and it works by enabling the immune system to fight the cancer cells. There is no doubt that the future looks bright and in the cure for mesothelioma might just be around the corner. Meanwhile you can get the treatment available to manage the disease.
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